3 Foundations For Soul-Centered Growth

Heading into the new year, you might need some direction for how to grow, how to expand, and what principles to build your foundation on as you do. Here are some to get you started…

Activating Soul Contracts

here’s the good news: you have soul contracts with everyone you’re meant to work with. Their energy is literally around you. As you begin to heal, Release, rise into your power, shift the mind into the quantum field by reprogramming your beliefs + playing with the energetics of business, magic will begin to happen.

Your inner North Star begins to activate and like a magnet clients will come to you with a hell of a lot more ease.

Sales Energy

selling is an exchange of energies. So much of our selling is a direct reflection of our relationship with $$$ (which ties into safety/security/ and other areas of our life but I won’t get into that here)

If you have a tight grip on money + are afraid to let it go ♾ you’ll find the same comes back to you.

in the sales process, establish a relationship, build a trust with your audience (starts with a trust in yourself) + show up to share your offer. People can’t pay you if you’re holding back your gifs, posting your offer 2x a week, + if you aren’t owning who the f you are. People can feel any Guilt and shame around your prices, doubts,etc. so don’t create objections before they exist.

Systems + Strategy

Get behind your vision with some visionary work, a solid launch plan, solid foundations, and systems to support you. For example, my launch systems flowwww with ease, I use project management systems, create content that breadcrumbs to the offer, have quarter and yearly plans, the list goes on and on. I call this showing up for your biz like a CEO.

The first thing I always look at with my clients is what’s going on energetically in your business and how is that a mirror or reflection for another Area of your life? 
If you’re ready to build and expand your business on these and other alike principles, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!