1. Your Content is Vanilla. It’s like when you know it’s time to switch positions in the bedroom because your go to position ain’t cutting it anymore. EEK. We are all guilty of taking the easy way out some times right? 😂

Spice that shit up, mix in your side of the fence, go deep, speak your truth. Don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers or share your heart.

It’s not just your sales content, but making sure everything else isn’t getting basic too.

2. You’re forgetting to speak to your client//who are you speaking to?

What’s the transformation, what is their current emotion, what do they want to feel? Are they reading your posts and saying OMG it’s like she’s in my head.. Selling the transformation: How is her life going to change while working with you?

When I go in and sprinkle the emotion magic and help clients get a little juicier & teach them how to do this – it converts like crazy! Sometimes people don’t know what they need, but they know what they want.

3.You’re not selling as much as you think.

The people pleaser in you is worried about sounding salesy, posting too much, wondering if people will be offended if you’re selling too much.

If you’re providing juicy content, giving consistent value, etc. then chances are, you aren’t as salesy as you think. If you’re here to help, you have a gift – shout that shit from the rooftops.