Want to know what my passion is? It’s to have you work with purpose in your business, to help women build empires, to become the best coaches they can be, to heal, to monetize their story, their passion, their purpose.

Never Settle.

Never settle for just enough.

Never settle for I can’t, I shouldn’t..

Never settle for less than what you desire.

Keep Going.

When it makes 0 sense.

When it doesn’t look like it’s not going to happen.

When you feel the frustration.

When your intuition is nudging.

When people say to “be realistic”

When your purpose & passion continues to light up.

Set your SOUL on fire every single day.

Because this gift, this idea, this message, this vision, wouldn’t be given to you if you didn’t have the ability to fulfill it.

It might get hard sometimes, you might have to get resourceful, you might feel frustrated, you might have months where you question it, you might feel like you’ve been at this forever now, but guess what.

The breakthrough is coming.

Your desires are planted.

Life is too short to waste time on your what if’s… >>because what if it all does<< Jump & Guess what..The Net ALWAYS appears. 

I started messy.

I started posting product pictures and selfies with 0 light. Lol

I started going live when I was sweating and my first live video was of me making shrimp ceviche.

I started with a tiny audience. Shit, I still have a “small audience” for someone who scaled to multiple 6 figures.

I started with a Facebook group, showing up consistently.

I left my fulltime job 3.5 years ago after a year of receiving my masters degree, left network marketing to do my own coaching, invested thousands of dollars in my first biz coach, and was hit by a drunk driver all in a 5 week span. Should I add zero savings, a lot of debt, and on a previous education salary.

I started with a heart full of service & ignorance on fire.

I served and provided the BEST content I had, daily.

I stopped caring what people would think.

I stopped focusing on what wasn’t here *yet*

I stopped stressing about $$, the debt, and realized none of that could hold me from my passion.

I started in my car posting content in between multiple side jobs and personal training clients.

I started with a lap top from college that was slow as molasses in January.

I watched all the leaders in the online space wondering when will I get there? Will I ever? Is this for me?

Then things began to move.

1 Person would sign up. Then 2. Then 0. Then 5.

More than just my mom and someone accidentally jumping on my live would hop on.

I cried.

I began to HEAL so much of my life.

I was consistent.

With a mix of f the rules.

I found energy work, spirituality, and a newfound trust of surrender.

I released the hustle, the burnout, the DOING to receive.

I embodied my feminine.

I stopped caring about how long it would take me.

I put myself out there. (Newsflash i got a ton of no’s) lol

I got better at my messaging.

I grew from a team of 1 to a team of 5.

I still serve DAILY.

I still have flops.

I still have doubts.

I still want to shit my pants.

All I know is this.

This is my mission.

To help women build empires, to become the best coaches they can be, to heal, to monetize your story, your passion, purpose in life, and your purpose in your business. Preferably in your pajamas.

If you’re ready to elevate your coaching, purpose in your business, & become a 6 figure coach, I invite you to join the Quantum Ripple Effect Coaching Certification!