Untangling Your Roots 

Have you ever tried to pull a big plant out of the ground?

You grip both hands around it tightly.

You pull with all your might.

Fall on your ass.

Dig the shovel around it.

Pull again.

Fall on your ass.

Get a bigger shovel.

Pull again.

Fall on your ass.

You take a little break and think.

Okay this time this fucking thing is gonna come out of here.


You start to realize the roots of this thing are deeper than you thought.

So you ask the person next to you, can you try to get this?

They pull it out easy.

You laugh.

Of course this always happens. (You know when something won’t open or turn on, it always works when someone else does it)

There’s a few thoughts here:

1. Our outcome won’t change with just trying different tools. You can hope and learn that the next tool will be the thing, but the thing is. It starts with the roots. Your roots are your beliefs. If you want the plant to rebloom you must repot the soil, safely. You have to be willing to do the deep work to see the massive results. To untangle those roots and see what else they are connected to. Where did these stem from and where else is this a pattern in my life?

2. Transformational work ain’t a walk on the beach. It’s gonna require you to look some deep shit in the eye.

3. It’s sustainability for your biz to grow. It’ll often feel like you got sucked into a wormhole and shot back out like what. just happened.

4. It forces you to shed. New identities, new beliefs, new feelings, new everything.

5. Not everything requires force to work. What would your life experience look like with flow?

6. We aren’t meant to do it alone. We can’t see it ourselves. Someone else will open up the light for you. 

In this work, lies the next level version of you.

If you’re wondering why aren’t I “there yet”

Then it’s time you start here.

Untangling the roots.

Join me in releasing past experiences, emotions, anxiety, unconscious beliefs + begin to heal in my course Breathe & Receive.