Beauty In Surrender

Who are we if we aren’t achieving?
Most of our lives we are spent moving towards, through, or with something to get through, get to, get over, or get with.

We often find ourselves chasing.
On to the next thing.
Forgetting to celebrate the present.
Wondering what should I be doing next?
Judging ourselves for where we haven’t gotten.
Finding ourselves in patterns or beliefs around money.
Operating from our head instead of our heart.

Don’t get me wrong, healthy achievement is needed. Our unconscious mind is literally programmed for us to “keep wanting more” for most of us, it has helped us meet needs inside of us. Some that weren’t met as we were growing up.

How do I trust and surrender in my business?

I heal my deepest wounds, shadows, and traumas that want to reprogram me in that it isn’t safe to trust and surrender.
I work with those constantly to support my nervous system.
I go experience life.
I receive support and allow myself to be held.
I do energy healing.
I breathe.
I reparent my inner child & allow my parts to begin to grow up safely.
I orgasm.
I play.
I go to the beach.
I step into my power.
I embody my teachings.
I release.
I dance.
I celebrate.
I have fun.
I walk.
I enjoy.
I detach from the outcome.
I step into my power.
I embark in ceremonies.
I pray.
I laugh.
I love.
I connect.
I breathe.
I dive deep into where is this control coming from.
I cry.
I play with my inner child.
I allow.
I receive.
I activate my path
I align with my purpose.

My question for you is how often do you take time in the now.
In the present.
In the stillness.
In the pure celebration.
In the surrender.
Awareness of the beauty of what is.
To really feel.
(and feeling from the body, not reporting what the body is feeling from the mind)

There’s a deep sense of well-being, joy, pleasure, ease, and beauty when we can honor where we are, the journey, rather than running, numbing, chasing (which are all beautiful strategies we’ve used for so long) and there’s so much more we can do when we work with them embodied.

There’s a beauty in surrender.
In allowing.
In feeling into our experiences to heal.
Often we approach ourselves from a top down perspective where we explore the body from the mind.

Ready to lean into surrender in a way you never thought possible? Come join us inside of breathe & receive as we embark on a journey to heal, release, and come home.