Ways To Elevate Your Coaching Sessions

Know what you’re doing…lol:

We all start off with doing the best we can, with what we know. Then there comes a point where you’re ready to elevate your coaching session skills & provide a deeper experience. This in my opinion is crucial, to truly provide the most supportive and effective container for transformation.

Bring your client in and out of a session/container in the most supportive way possible:

This isn’t just the normal on-boarding & off-boarding of the client (which is important) but how you are bringing them into a session and wrapping up. Especially in energetic, body based, and mindset work. 

Develop a healthy nurturing in between relationship:

One that isn’t co-dependent, where your emotions aren’t bypassed, and where you learn how to support yourself in the process too. 

Be committed to always doing better, growing, learning & deepening your work in whatever way that looks for you!

Holding Space:

Do you find yourself wanting to fix, respond, and put out the “fire” of everything that comes through with your clients? Holding space as a SAFE practitioner is key. It’s allowing the emotions, noticing what comes through in your body, and clearing your vessel so you can listen empathetically. Sitting in the silence sometimes is key (and you can notice what that feels like for you too;)

Asking Powerful Questions:

Examples: When did you decide that? How specifically? According to whom? Where do you feel that in your body? What if it worked out? For what purpose? According to whom? What emotions are coming through? Have you experienced this before in your life? What is it that your little girl needs in this moment?

Increasing Energetic Synergy:

Holding the outcome & the frequency for your clients is key. Getting into rapport, going deeper in your own healing so you can support your clients, clearing your energy, setting sacred space, setting boundaries, are just a few of the ways we can access trust, truth, and develop a beautiful coaching relationship.

Want to learn more about holding space in your coaching sessions? Check out this episode, Holding Space In Your Coaching Sessions, on The Energetics of Business‬ Podcast!