Crack Yourself Open

The room is dark, but you’re determined to find the light switch.

As your hands graze the walls, you know somewhere you’ll find it.

your trust is there

Inside of you there is a light switch.
It’s your place of divine magnetism.
Navigating the walls of the subconscious, your energy, the healings, allows you to tap into the infinite supply of abundance
So often we build from a place of fear or lack.
We search and long for safety, security, knowing.

What if we leaned in and ran towards?
What if all it took was unlocking the codes inside of you?
What if you trusted the journey of healing was meant for your highest good?
What if you were stripped down, so the light switch could turn on again!

Crack yourself open.
What’s waiting for you inside of there?
What opportunities are you holding back from?
Where is your heart saying go bigger, trust yourself, it will all work out?
Where do you feel judgment, anger, guilt, sadness?
Where do you battle the thoughts of being further along?
Where do you need to jump into the unknown even if you don’t have all the answers?
What is no longer serving you?
What goal makes zero sense?

These are questions I ask myself weekly.
My choices and decisions come from a place of trust, surrender to the unknown.
They’ve never made sense, but they always felt right.

What you desire must come from within first.
The multiple six figure biz, the feelings you want to feel, the sold out launches, the soulmate clients, the ease, the flow.

Be willing to shift.
Be willing to grow.
Be willing to hold yourself in the discomfort.
Be willing to do the work.
Be willing to let go.
Be open for possibilities & potentiality.
Be open to your truth.
Be open to quantum leaps.
Be open that you are always being divinely led.

Ready to crack yourself open and grow in a way you never thought possible? Come join us inside of breathe & receive as we embark on a journey to heal, release, and come home.