Ride The Wave

Addicted to the highs? The getting? Chasing the next income goal? The next level?

Who are you outside of your business?

What’s it feel like to lean IN?

To slow down?

To be?

To trust that you can fully be supported & received while you rest?

To relax deeper into the being?

Sometimes, we are subconsciously addicted to the high & the low, the setting and the let down, the fantasy of the possible reality, but not hitting it.

It can be a trauma response, a subconscious programming, a part stuck in consciousness,  trying to keep us safe, or one that gets an unconscious high from playing this game.

For some, let down, disappointment, but hopes and possibility was the norm in childhood or life. Instability either physically or emotionally.

Sometimes not getting what we desire feels unconsciously “better” – might seem weird when you think about it consciously.

What’s it feel like to ride the wave?

I use to run programming of high highs and low lows.

They still come. I’m human.

But I use to need high highs and low lows to feel safe.

This was a deep unconscious patterning.

I would have the overflow.

Just to be back in deep scarcity again.

I didn’t feel safe.

My nervous system was wack.

Income months that were higher and then a month after that wasn’t as high would send me into thinking something was “wrong” or I needed to “do” to get out of it.

Until I started supporting my nervous system in ways I could have never imagined.

My navigation system is different than it was a few years ago.

I can lean into surrender and feel safe.

I can play with potentiality and feel safe.

I can assess from love, compassion, and not guilt or judgement.

I had to re-wire my templating in this.

It wasn’t something a “belief” could change.

I can hold myself, allow myself to be held, and supported in the wave of life.

Because the waves still come.

So, how do you choose to ride the wave?

Affirm: It’s safe for me to play all out, to trust myself, to hold myself In the ups & downs. I am supported, I get to receive. I am worthy, I am held, I am safe.

Inhale, Exhale.

Ready to drop into the sensation that you are safe, supported, and held in your being into your body?Come join us inside of breathe & receive as we embark on a journey to heal, release, and come home..