Step Into Your Embodied CEO

When we can align ourselves in our body with ease, overflow, consistency – we can create a never-ending fuel in our body. We can drink in the overflow & feel the magnetic energy pulsating through our body.

An embodied CEO works with her her fire, her water, her power, her goddess , her inner seductress, her nurturer, her receiver, and inner boss.

All parts become one.
The Conscious & the Unconscious
The Do’er and the Receiver
The Inner Child and the woman now.
The Nurturer & The Wild Woman.
The Feminine & The Masculine 

When she’s embodied.
When she’s working with the energetics in her business.
When she’s tapped in.
When she’s orgasmic.
When there’s a new sense of trust and surrender.
When she heals & goes first.
When the dial turns down on the output & the input turns up.
When she’s showing up as a CEO.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much growth I have seen in myself since I began working on this.

Being seen at a new level.
Showing up for my vulnerability.
Putting myself out there.
Owning the fucking ripple I create.
Stepping into my power.
Diving head first into fear and new levels.
Cracking open.
Doing shit that doesn’t make sense.

So here’s my challenge to you.

Notice where you’re playing small.
Where you’re waiting.
Where you’re holding back.
Where you’re playing the when, then game.
Where you’re ready to be seen.
Where you want to make a ripple.
Where you’re ready to trust & surrender.
Where you’re ready to go all fucking in.
Where you’re ready to do the shit that doesn’t make sense.

The work I do with my clients is very unique, potent, and impactful. Many of my clients are or go on to create 5 figure months, 6 and multiple 6 figures, speakers, authors, retreat leaders, podcasters, creating a ripple in their industries, and going on to do crazy ass things. It’s a blend of energy, mindset, aligned strategy, CEO vibes, and understanding the energetics of business.

If you’re ready to step into your embodied CEO, come join me in my 1:1 coaching sessions.