It’s Safe To Be Seen
Being SEEN in the online space comes with a whole lot of inner gremlins, am I right?
Who am I to do this?
Who am I to speak my truth?
Maybe I should wait until I know more information, or have more testimonials.
What will Susan from 3rd grade think?
What if no one buys?
What if I mess up?
What if I….
The list goes on and on right?
I showed up for years in the online space before hitting multiple six figures.
I’m talking: protein shake selfies, zero people buying my stuff, no one in my launches, cringeworthy fb lives, a group with zero engagement, just my mom on my live video, crickets during challenges, failed payments, overdraft bank account, debt on debt, 5 people on my email list, attempting to make a graphic picmonkey, going through a list sending dm’s (eek) lol. I branded a business with my ex which cost me thousands of dollars when relaunching. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars before I was even making close to that. I racked my brain when I thought I was doing “everything right”
Wanna know what I did even when all of that happened?
I kept going.
I kept showing up.
I tried new things.
I kept hiring mentors.
I didn’t make it mean I wasn’t a good coach or couldn’t be successful.
I trusted.
I did the healing & deep inner work.
I invested in my craft.
I believed so much in my vision.
I started speaking my truth and becoming more vulnerable.
I surrendered to the process and met it with love rather than the bitch why aren’t you there yet energy.
So before you go thinking, maybe I can’t do this: ask yourself, have you truly went ALL In?
What if your little person felt safe to be seen.
What if someone bought from your gift?
What if you spoke your truth and created a ripple in this world.
What would happen if you just trusted & moved outside your comfort zone.
Ready to lean into surrender to feel safe to be seen in a way you never thought possible? Come join us inside of breathe & receive as we embark on a journey to heal, release, and come home.