The Energy Of Allowing

The Energy of Allowing is a beautiful one.

It’s noticing what is & being with it.

So often as healers, coaches, lightworkers, we are hyper-aware of what beliefs, blocks, etc. are holding us back from the next level.

We’ll put pressure on ourselves to fix, heal, shift, work through, get on the other side.

Except we are meeting the energy with the same energy. We are taking a flashlight to our parts that has a harsh light & instead of transmuting it, we analyze the fuck out of it, make it wrong, get frustrated with it, or focus on “getting out of it”

What if you met those parts with love, compassion, ease, and noticed them with a gentle heart?

What if you just noticed those parts & protectors and didn’t try to fix them in that moment, but met them with love.

What if healing wasn’t another thing to “achieve”?

How would you lean in, what would you say, how would you respond, what would you feel?

How can you step into your power today?

Maybe it’s:
making a decision that has been on your heart.
saying yes, or saying no thank you.
Getting on live video
Writing that post you’ve been meaning to write
Sharing that piece of your story you know others are meant to hear
Embodying your ripple effect
Owning your magic
Setting a boundary
Selling your offer
Owning your prices
Increasing your prices
Celebrating how far you’ve come
Taking up space
Allowing yourself to be seen.

That’s the magic inside of QRE. We not only learn skillset and tools to support your clients, but it’s your own inner healing journey you get to go on. Each month we have coaching & healing calls where the focus is supporting YOU as the space-holder, mentor, and coach. So if you’re ready to dive into the energy of allowing, join us inside our community in my program Quantum Ripple Effect!