Practicing True Surrender

We tend to Hyperfocus in entrepreneurship on a lens of something that must be wrong when something we are aligning to isn’t here yet.

You might find if you get silent and honest, our bodies constrict, the energy in our eyes strains and we begin a journey of picking apart things from every element.

What could be off spiritually?
What could be off energetically?
What could be off strategically?
What do I need to process in the emotional realm?
The mental realm..
What beliefs are present here?
What energy is being presented In My body?

And don’t get me wrong, these are valid questions to ask, and things you do have to look at when you’re growing a business.

But what would happen if you flipped the script a little..

And you evaluated this from a lens of love.
A lens of compassion.

What is in alignment spiritually?
What do I have to celebrate today?
What is working strategically?
How have I been holding myself so far?

You are moving towards your goals.
In a timing that is uniquely you.
And I promise if you look back a month or a year ago, you’re so much further than you give yourself credit for.

And that doesn’t mean you can’t speed it up.
It just means sometimes we have to put on different glasses.
Releasing the pressure.
Releasing the hyper focus.
Looking outside the business.
Practicing true surrender and allowing, and noticing where the control comes up even in surrender.

Where we want to make our business a chess game that we know we win, so we can control our way to surrender. So we want to move our pieces so it comes together how we want. And my love, what does that control do for you? Does it bring you a false sense of safety? I know it has for me too.

Here’s what I know.
It’s all coming.
Can you hold that vision?
Can you trust you?
Can you go all the way through?
There is no there.
There is only here.
And now.

And that is where your next unfolding begins..
In a world addicted to what’s next.
Ask yourself: what’s here now?

If you’re desiring more support in your business and ready to practice true surrender, come join me in my 1:1 coaching sessions.