There’s a desire that lives deep in your body.
A big expansive ask of the universe.
You know you’re here to move mountains.
To change the trajectory of your life + those you support.

You’re finding yourself in the midst of something massive.
And the fog feels a little murky.
The only way out is through.
And you’re wondering.
How can I allow this in?
How do I hold the bigness while surrendering to the unknown?

Imagine your eyes are closed and you’re being led.
You have no other option but to trust.
To notice each step.
Surrender to the journey.
To trust wherever you are going, the momentum is moving you forward.

You’re here to move mountains.
To end suffering.
To lead, to guide, to change the world, the industry, to create paradigm shifts.

You awaken to pure presence of what’s here now.

100 steps ahead will seem far.
1 step is celebrated, or do you see it as 99 steps you haven’t made yet?

Receptivity of being held in the journey.
Can you allow that in?
Can you allow in the abundance, the feedback, the support, the observation, the goodness, the possibility?
Or is a layer of protection still holding you back?

And so I’ll leave you with this..
What’s here now..
What can you allow..
What’s the next step..
What’s holding you back from your deepest trust?
How can you step into your business expansion?

Inside of emergence we explore your expansion, your edges, and the energetics. We will be relaunching this incredibly potent mastermind + immersion experience soon. If you’ve been on the search for a mastermind that blends in the energetics and the healing to your business, a community that will support you while you emerge into all of you, then it’s time to make your move.

If you’re ready to experience business expansion in a highly supportive mastermind experience, Check out Emergence here!

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