How To Tap Into Your Essence

Is healing your attachment trauma something you focus on to support your business model?

Being in a secure attachment helps not only with our relationships, but our relationships with money, clients, business & our own essence…

Your essence is your magic.

I ask my clients all the time: how are we celebrating your essence today?

Your essence is your being.

It’s the energy in which you do the things.

It’s your energetic transmission + your energetic signature.

And you know what?

Your transmission reaches far beyond any piece of social media content, sales page. etc.

So infuse your physical things with your essence, send out the radiation into the quantum field, let it activate your soul contracts.

Tap into your essence during your coaching sessions, leading from heart center.

Stabilize this energy over and over again.

It’s magnetic.

It’s potent.

It’s unique to you.

And while on the one hand I’m an energetic nerd of the nervous system, attachment styles, subconscious mind, playing in different states and fields..

I love to write, edit copy, tweak sales pages, create systems + content, strategize unique and custom marketing plans, develop launch calendars and create visionary plans with my clients.

Because if your audience doesn’t know what you’re offering or how it’s going to support them, then how are they going to buy from you? 

It’s the beauty of working together deeper: sometimes we are deep in trauma healing and sometimes we are deep in planning out your million dollar year.

We have a responsibility to dive deeper for our own healing & embodiment, and to serve them as safely as we can.

Be a master of your craft as a coach.

Be in integrity as a lightworker and a healer and leader for your clients.

If you’re ready to start healing your attachment style and finding your essence, check out the episode Adult Attachment Repair Model with Peter Cummings on my podcast The Energetics Of Business.