Accessing Trust

Are you at Cause or in Effect of what’s happening in your life?

Empowerment is moving from being in effect to being at cause in life.

EFFECT looks like:

  • This is happening to me.
  • (Insert Person/Thing) is the reason I can’t do this..
  • When this happens, then I will…

Cause looks like:

  • This is happening for me.
  • How can I make this possible?
  • What can I learn from this experience?
  • I show up and the world responds to me.

Where can you become at CAUSE for what’s happening?

When we become a cause for what’s happening, we are accessing TRUST in our subconscious and our bodies. This is one of the ways we will continue to have ongoing success, rather than just fleeting feelings or sabotaging success.

When we can reprogram trust in this way, we find a sense of safety and a sense of re-establishing this feeling on a deep level.

Our brain and our body loves to find scenarios when we didn’t trust ourselves, or we didn’t’ feel safe in doing so – so it wants to keep us safe and remind us “not to go there.”

People can feel when something is off, if there’s too much force in your content, you’re feeling needy in wanting clients, or you’re hiding back your magic, or not owning your prices. We always get what we are an energetic match for; so be willing to look and say: how can i heal, embody, and surrender to what i’m doing right now in this season in my life?

So we must connect, feel into it, then take the action from this new foundation. Swipe to see a few tools I use to integrate this!

If you’re ready to start learning more about accessing trust within yourself and how that affects your business, check out my podcast, The Energetics Of Business.