Letting The Body Be The Healer

This time there isn’t a to-do list.

There isn’t a reward for how much you can do, how much you can achieve.

There’s nothing to “get” here, nothing to fix.

Because You’re not broken.

If you’ve felt or said I’ve done so much inner work… but I’m still >here<

I want you to know you are here, a new level, where there’s new levels.

Here, now, the present.

We often find ourselves chasing.

On to the next thing.

Forgetting to celebrate the present.

Wondering what should I be doing next?

Judging ourselves for where we haven’t gotten.

Finding ourselves in patterns or beliefs around money.

Operating from our head instead of our heart.

We’re so addicted to the getting.

The guilt if we didn’t check all the things off.

Making sure everyone is happy.


Making sure it’s enough.

That we are enough.

So let’s get into our bodies & let our bodies be the healers.

Are you ready to experience this potent magic too?

When we can get into our body & EMBODY abundance, we awaken a new state.

We can find a state of safety.

We can release.

We can tap into the flow.

We can bypass the ego, bypass the mind, and it allows us to fully trust.

Here’s the thing:

The deeper we allow ourselves to go, the deeper our clients can go.

Healing is magnetic.

You can feel the energy in an embodied leader.

It’s like a current, they are radiating, there is integrity.

The energetics of our business is everything. Understanding not just the strategy, but how energy can open us to receive or cockblock us from our desires.

Commit to being the vessel.

Commit to embodying your work & abundance and sharing that gift with the world.

Ready to see what healing is all about? Then join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!