Harnessing Your Untapped Potential for Business Success
You have too much potential to not make your business a wild success. So the question becomes…
How much longer are you willing to not allow yourself to go for it?
(Or maybe you are going for it… but if you got really honest there’s a gloomy cloud of “will I ever to that next level” that keeps you stuck in a cycle)
Let me tell you a story..
This weekend I was sitting next to a beautiful friend of mine and her husband at the pool, (who also has been a past client and student of mine for years).
And the thought came to me…
“Keeper of dreams”
You see, I’ve witnessed people come to me with the biggest aspirations, dreams, and manifestations they desire.
Sometimes some of those pop in quick and some others have some roadblocks that get navigated.
I’ve witnessed them celebrate in happiness, cry in frustration or feeling like “will it ever happen”
And then.. one day it does.
And the moments they held onto for so long that I deeply know would come for them..
Most get stuck in a cycle of waiting thinking “it’s not happening fast enough”
Or..they delay deciding + taking action towards what has been bubbling as a heart’s desire for years.
This weekend, I witnessed it over and over again those who decided not to waver in their belief – create magic.
✨ As I lay in bed with one of my best friend’s daughters (who I met first as a client of mine) and witness her blossom in motherhood.
✨Two clients have their biggest cash months in business.
✨Hanging by the pool witnessing the deepest of love that she has always wanted.
My heart was bursting.
Something I talk about in QRE is teaching you how to hold a base of safety + holding the possibility as sometimes our clients waver and honestly, how to deepen this within yourself so you can hold an unwavering energy when it doesn’t “look” like it’s going to happen.
It’s the halfway point through the year.
SO much can shift beyond your wildest dreams.
So let this be the plot twist you’ve been waiting for..
And remember, to make ^ that happen,
You gotta go first.❤️
If you’re ready to experience business success, Join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect® Certification!