Mastering the Art of Effortless Achievement in Business Using Subconsious Healing

Do you actually want “easy and effortless” business results or are you just too full of excuses to actually try?

Here’s what surrendering for an effortless business actually is >>>

If there’s a boulder in front of you that needs to be pushed up hill in order for you to grab a bag of money, you can’t just surrender and hope that it’ll move by magic or that someone will come and move it for you.

You COULD do that, but there’s potential that you’d be waiting forever, and the boulder gets really heavy when you have to stand there holding it up and making sure it doesn’t crush you.

You could also…

…hold that boulder still while sobbing, letting it cast a shadow over you, and cry about how it’s just not fair, your boulder is too big, surrendering by closing your eyes and praying for ease and effortlessness.

You could also… 

…use brute force and push the boulder up the hill and get to the bag of money but be too burnt out and exhausted to do anything with it.

Seeing the next boulder in front of you and wanting to push it immediately because maybe the next bag of money is what’ll make you happy and less exhausted…

but that’s never the case.

You’re just forever stuck in a cycle of burnout, never surrendering at all.

You could also… 

…invite someone into your space who understands something that you don’t about how to gain more inner strength necessary to move the boulder without depleting your energy.

Who can teach you how to source power from within + move the boulder “effortlessly”.

Who can teach you to SURRENDER to the lead of your body and subconscious healing, allowing your conscious mind to stop looping.

It takes effort to build the inner resilience but it makes it so that the boulder suddenly has to be pushed downhill instead of up.


“Effortless” business means that it FEELS effortless, not that you exert no effort.

You can pay in burnout by exerting so much effort that you’re depleted, or you can put in no effort at all and get nowhere…

or you can source energy through somatic + subconscious healing, like lifting weights instead of trying to push a 1000 pound boulder on the first try.

I didn’t just create a certification because it was the thing to do. I built it because of the depth of my experience.

Because when I attended my Practitioner level NLP certification…I wanted SO badly to scale and expand.

I’d been pushing boulders out of my way in order to make my dreams come true and I wanted an easier way.

But it wasn’t easier because I was doing less.

It was easier because my internal landscape was equipped to handle it.

I wasn’t pushing boulders up hill, I was rolling them down hills.

You need tools that make growing your business easier on your nervous system by subconscious healing.

It’s the only thing that will keep you from the other two options: burning out or quitting.

Are you ready to spend 6 months getting certified in the exact methods I take myself and my clients through DAILY? QRE is going to change your life. Join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect® Certification!