Breaking The Illusion Of Perfect Timing

Before I started kindergarten, I decided I wanted to ride my bike without training wheels, blow bubble with gum, and tie my shoes.

Since I was 5 years old, I stopped waiting for the right timing.

I didn’t want to wait to move to Florida when I was 21 before starting grad school, so I drove myself in a Honda Civic to a place where I knew no one so I could enjoy 6 months of sun before I started grad school (and knowing if I was even accepted).

I invested in my business and healing journey when the money wasn’t there yet, but I held onto the vision.

I went through the deepest healing, going first, and trusting even when I had no idea how + if things would work out.

I kept going when no one would sign up for my offers and I felt defeated.

I kept going when others would say.. shouldn’t you stick with your full time job, or wait a bit longer till it makes more sense.

I had a dream to help others heal, scale their business, and create their own ripple effect.

My purpose is to help others live their mission in this lifetime, ripple it out & scale their income & impact.

So every day I follow that vision.

I followed my heart to serve + change the lives of those around me.

Even when I had ~80k in debt and felt like it was never going to happen.

I jumped and held myself.

Because I finally was at a place where I could trust me + feel safe.

I was done with not being, doing, and having what I desired.

So I did the things, shared the stories, put myself out there, said yes when I was 💩 my pants.

And a little over 2 years ago after what seemed like years of waiting…I began some major quantum leaps.

Which led to consistent multiple six figure years, massive impact, a deep healing journey, sisterhood, connection, community & So much more.

So a little celebration of the deep healing, the trust, the going first, the ripple effect, the mission, my heart’s purpose.

Your desires are meant for you, keep going.

I invite you today to feel into your quantum leap.

Are you creating, asking, receiving, showing up from your current reality or where you desire to be?

Breathe In (you are safe to receive from your  quantum leap and you are supported in your next level desires) Breathe Out.

If you want to learn more about breaking the illusion of perfect timing, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!