Your Business Values + Redefining Success

Whatever you want is perfect because it’s your desires.⁠
Whether you desire is to make your first $500 online or $5mil. ⁠
You get to define what it is you want.⁠
Not your coach, your family, or the people you see on the online space telling you what you think you should want.⁠

I always ask my clients:⁠
What are you values?⁠
What is it that YOU WANT?⁠
For what purpose?⁠
What’s the intention?⁠
Why x amount? What will that do for you?⁠

I ask this so we get clear, so we find YOUR truth and YOUR mission and we redefine success so it matches your desires.⁠

Redefine success.⁠
Redefine your business values.
Celebrate your essence.⁠
Don’t dim your desires.⁠
You are worthy now.⁠

Nothing externally matters more than your internal peace, freedom, values, and your personal mission.⁠

Make sure your business is aligned with that.

For me one of my top values is support.

So how does this filter through?

-when developing offers/product suite, I start with this in mind. I craft an experience that provides deep support.

-when scaling a program or certification, knowing this is a value for me, I ask myself and team, how do I create new layers of support?

-for me internally, I have a lot of support. From weekly mentors, masterminds, trainings to deepen my craft, an incredible team, self care appointments, strong sisterhood. I make sure my support is from a place of co-regulation, growth, and that my own sovereignty is valued. I deeply value a craft/skillset when making these choices.

-I navigate through the lens of leadership, sales, team, and group dynamics with this value in mind.

Running a values based business allows for sustainability and scalability while honoring your system because you value your internal and external alignment.

Do you know your business values? Check out my podcast episode, Running A Values Based Business With Neha Jha, on The Energetics Of Business podcast.