Embracing Your True Self for Transformational Healing

My life’s work could be simply stated, yet in so much complexity, I support you in feeling safe to receive, to hold, to allow, to remember your truth; furthermore, to be known for your magic, to transform, to come home to your body, to embrace your true self for transformational healing.

I can see the farsightedness of where you’re going and make sure every part of you subconsciously and somatically is ready for that bigness.

Yet often we move from the exact opposite energy, from our programming, the trauma, the pain.

However, what if it’s your season to open fully to what you expect of your desires? To let it all in, in the best way and consume you with an overflow of joy, abundance, desire?

You would stop judging where you’re at.

And, you would stop moving from what’s not here.

You would free yourself or the depth of shame and stuckness that makes it 10x harder to move from.

Your truth, your desire would be enough.

Often we sit in the energy of hope, of lack, of what isn’t here yet.

We try and move from this deep sense of not enoughness, and what we have not yet created and we wonder why we circle in stuckness, in confusion, the same patterns dressed in new outfits

It’s because we move from the same energy, the same parts that created it. There’s a subtle layer of fog that is judgment, shame, lack.

Moreover, the shame, guilt, judgment takes us ten steps back, and then,

We try to move forward from that place which makes it so much harder.

It’s easier to not fully open our heart, to keep a window cracked open, the hold back, to placate to run the same pattern.

And, instead of fully allowing, moving with, living, and being with it all. Your body must feel deeply safe to let it all in. 

You build that as you go. You live and practice and allow it in every moment. Tempting safety. Tempting you can hold it all. You’ll create it as you go.

To control the unknown is robbing yourself of the deepest medicine which is living, trusting that you can hold the unfolding.

From what energy are you moving from?

What’s the fear if you let it all in?

What glasses of lack, shame, and not enoughness are eating you alive making it 10x harder to move forward?

Where do you allow the fear of disappointment or judgment to hold you back from what you truly desire and want to be yours?

Let yourself feel safe to receive, safe to hold, safe to keep, and safe to expect all that you deeply desire.

If you’re ready to start your journey of transformational healing, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect® Certification!