Holding Space In Coaching Sessions

Coaches, any of these sound like you? (I’ve been here too)

  1. Ever been the coach to be like I have to fix this, solve this?
  2. Flooded with emotions you feel activated or something internally for you popped up
  3. Pressure to get them a result, fixating from the mind space
  4. Not sure how to not give advice but guide them
  5. Constantly reframing vs. coaching them through it.

What to do instead:

  1. Release the pressure to fix, respond, put out the fire. Notice where this comes from internally for you.
  2. Learn to self-regulate and come back to your parts after coaching sessions.
  3. Drop out of the mind space & into the heart space.
  4. Learn to ask powerful questions & validate them. Guide them home to their truth.
  5. Hold space, build rapport, be a safe human + master your craft.

There’s a gift in being able to effectively and safely hold space for your clients.

It’s holding space from the heart & belly center, not a space from the mind center.

The mind center comes online first for most of us – honestly in most areas of life.

Ever find yourself figuring out what question to ask, what technique to support with, how to help them, internal processing, our own shit that pops up along the way??

There’s a shift that can happen in your sessions when you can unhook your mind (the mind still works lol) but dropping deeper into the body allows for less of an energetic pull on their system. Your clients feel a laser energetically when we are fixated on their system from the mind. 

Dropping in creates spaciousness,  It creates presence, allows for what is to unfold, the questions/techniques whatever you use to unfold naturally. (Psss – they aren’t broken, so why the fixation energy??)

It allows you to attune to their system, to trust yourself, to be fully there, to hold space for their transformation and to validate their experience.

It’s a continual practice throughout the day.

If you’re ready to learn more about holding space in your coaching sessions, check out this episode on my podcast, The Energetics Of Business.