More Orgasms, More Money.

(Sorry Dad, Step-Dad & Brothers who read this LOL – Mom, well I know you already know I’m crazy)

PS if sex and orgasms make you uncomfortable, you should DEF read this article. LOLLL.

When I first heard about Orgasmic Manifestation earlier this year, I instantly was like what? Using orgasms to manifest what you want? Uhhh…COUNT ME IN.

It threw me off a little, not going to lie. It made me giggle, but also like anything else in my life I was like ah fuck it. Let me give it a try!

It changed everything.

I realized how much “sense” it made to me. The universe loves to respond to things that make us feel good (which is why I love to talk about celebration, excitement, fun etc. in my launch and sales process) so why wouldn’t this be any different?

So yes, being a single woman I decided to treat myself to a new vibrator because a new one was going to get me even more excited (pun intended) sounded like a good idea!

I thought because previously i was in a 6 year relationship, i didn’t need to engage in self-pleasure. Boy, was I wrong. Ladies, still please yourself even if you are in a relationship.

Orgasmic Manifestation can be done solo or with someone. Oh and by no means am I your OM guru, I’m just sharing what seems to keep working for me over and over again. So if I say something “wrong” I don’t care. I’m explaining it to you as it works for me.

Think about your vagina as your portal for creation & power. When we manifest, we are manifesting from our portal. It’s a legit pathway. You came out through that pathway, I came out through that pathway, it’s a center for creation.

When we experience pleasure, we feel happy. Or at least you should.
Receiving pleasure is also a connection to our ability to receive. When we become a better receiver of fun, compliments, sex, pleasure, we can also open up the portal to receive more things like money, luxury, opportunities (things that feel GOOD).

But if you can’t give yourself pleasure or you can’t receive a compliment, how do you expect to receive 10k? (Ouch, right?)

Your inner goddess loves to feel good. She works off an energy of “be” – “have”. She just IS and she receives. She isn’t focused on what she needs to have or what she needs to do in order to feel enough. She loves for things to feel good. She loves to feel excited. She enjoys her senses. She isn’t running around like a chicken with her head cut off. What do you imagine when you imagine a goddess?

Sex. Money. Power. Beauty. Elevation. The list goes on and on.

So often in my clients I see this fear of playing it safe, being small in our launches, being small on social media, the fear of being salesy, not getting on live video, whatever the case may be. Now take that quick connection to your vagina/portal/whatever you want to call it. If she’s not seen, touched, HEARD, being used, ignored, etc. we forget she needs ATTENTION!! Do you see the connection i’m making with your business and your ability to experience pleasure?


Now comes for asking what you desire. We often live in destination world. Where we focus on the thing that we want and how it is going to feel when we get there. We have a goal on our list, focus on the next goal as soon as we achieve that one, and we keep running and running thinking that when we finally hit that one goal then things will be different. But then we hit the one goal, and then we still feel the same. It’s because are forgetting to enjoy everything in the moment. We are forgetting to celebrate every single step along the way. Enjoying each one as they come, feeling it in the moment, and then asking for more in our realization that it is safe for us to ask for more than just enough.

As we connect this to our orgasms…I told you I would get there. Stay with the crazy lady here. Think of it this way: As you are focusing on asking for what you want, you know that when it comes (ha) that it will feel REALLY good. So as you are focusing on a goal in your business. You are wanting the same right? So as you begin your pleasure experience, think about how it feels. How you are enjoying each step along the way. Instead of needing to shift RIGHT to the climax, take it all in. What does it feel like to experience pleasure? How is your goal going to feel when it comes in. Be in that feeling now before it happens. Align yourself with that energy. As you begin to climax you let go. You’re not focusing on the how. You have asked and now you get to receive.

Stay tuned for something SUPER exciting I will have coming soon that will dive even deeper into this <3