How To Step Into Your CEO
It can be easy to go up into our heads when we are coaching.
What should I say?
What will help them break through?
Should I fill this awkward silence?
Are they happy with the results?
Stop. drop. And bring it to the heart center.
Here are 6 ways to step into the CEO of your business and lead from the heart center:
- Plan one day of the week to be your CEO day. This is where you can focus on the vision + business plans
- While learning to make more money in your business is important, take some time even over the break to ask yourself, what’s it look like to lead my team at this next level? Or if you don’t have a team, start brainstorming the type of culture you would love to create when you DO have a team!
- Money dates – I’ve been preaching these for years. Intimacy and structure with your business + personal finances is game-changing. Pro tip – hire a bookkeeper to support you with this!
- Structure your day however the f you wanna structure it, forget all the rules of what people say you “need” to do..
- Plan energetic time, as much as you’re “doing” in your business, prioritize time to honor your vessel and connect into the energetics of your business
- Notice where you’re chasing, you feel behind, or whatever pressure you feel + leave that shit behind
Changing the paradigm of leadership requires a commitment to change.
Are you willing to take in feedback + show your community you are implementing it?
Are your values known and forward facing?
Bring through transparency & integrity.
It’s trusting yourself and trusting the universe.
It’s knowing that I can guarantee it won’t come the way you thought it would.
It’s being unwavering in your desires.
How are you embodying leadership in this next season?
If you are ready to step into your CEO, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!