Inconsistency & Indecision

Why the whole, just “show up & decide” mindset that is taught in the online space goes way the f deeper.

Sooo let’s go deep & see how they might be holding you back in biz.


Possible Roots: (obviously there’s more to unpack here, but a place to start feeling into)

  • We often run programming of inconsistencies in our life in our attachment to our businesses. This can be rooted in an inconsistent parent or caregiver in childhood, or experiences that weren’t fulfilled or needs met in the way they needed met. “Inconsistency in our businesses often feel “normal” when we grew up in some instability in our emotions at home. You might be thinking “my home wasn’t really that unstable” but even emotions being unpredictable (hot/cold, good mood/bad mood), or being met in the way you needed to, can run this out in business, partnerships, etc. (holistic psychologist actually did a post on this on how it plays out in partnerships & it’s really good) – highly recommend.
  • Obviously, our parents did the best they could with what they knew, but even those missed experiences or needs being met in the way your templating needed them, can create this anxiousness in our businesses.

How it shows up in business:

It can almost make us thrive on unpredictability and instability in our businesses (unconsciously of course). For some, it’s most of what we known, so it weirdly feels “safe” and normal for our systems. We know how to operate in the ups and downs, and stability, reliability feels weird.

Then we feel a need to perform, do, hustle, work hard, go. We reach a high, it feels good, then it doesn’t feel safe to keep it. Again, on an unconscious level. So truly being in overflow, having ALL of our needs met, without something running out, not being met brings up a whole new layer.


Possible Roots:

Lack of trust in self.

Honored in the “achievement” as a child rather than identity & being.

For most, we were celebrated and honored for what we did, rather than who we were being. Rest, self-care, identity, isn’t as celebrated compared to achievements, etc.

Gaslighting can definitely be a factor in this too.

Or even, if you made decisions and they didn’t follow the “right” thing that your caregivers or parents wanted you to do or what you “should” be doing.

Basic Ex: “why would you do that? You’ll lose your 401k and health insurance?” “You should be saving your money, don’t carry debt” don’t do this, do that. 

Invalidation of emotional experiences as a child: “don’t cry” don’t be sad, keep that to yourself, etc.

How it shows up in business:

Should I do this, should I not?

Lack of safety in small or big decision making.


Deciding without a safe foundation.

Shoulding on self

Constant need to be doing.

“Being” doesn’t feel as supported or celebrated.

Showing Up & then going back into recluse mode.

There are many different roots, causes, and outcomes how this may have started & where it might be showing up in business, but to give something for you to think about.

This is why:

  • Reparenting and Growing Up work with our parts is v. needed 
  • Safety & Healing and connecting into our bodies, unconscious mind and nervous system are also needed work.
  • You can know all the strategies in the book and make all the monies in the world but will still feel like something is “missing”

And then, we can trust ourselves, feel safe in our decisions, ride the flows of entrepreneurship, enjoy ease, safety, and presence. 

The definition of TRUE ease, overflow, and effortlessness in business. Understanding the possible roots of inconsistency & indecision and how they show up in our business helps us overcome what is holding us back.

If you desire to have more overflow, ease, and bliss in your life & business, come work 1-1 with me!