Lean Into Your Launch Strategy

Long launches or short launches, live launches or evergreen launches.
I get this question all the time.
How should I launch, when should I launch, for how long?

My first launch outside of network marketing back in 2016, had 3 humans in it. I almost peed my pants the first time someone joined my 1-1 coaching. My first program was $97.

Sometimes 2 people would sign up, sometimes 0 people, sometimes 10!

Same thing on my live videos. 1 (my mom), 2, 10, 0.
Same thing with comments on posts, engagement in my group, podcast downloads.

I worked behind the scenes for other marketing departments & would rock their worlds, but in my own business, it felt like a struggle.

I would sit there and give my all to that blank screen every day.
I got frustrated.
Wondered if I should get another job.
Until I decided, it was time to do it another way.

What if I only did what lit me up?
What if I said f the rules & shared my truth?
What if it was easy?
What if I owned who I was?
What it it was less about how much I could post/share/do?

2017 is when it started to shift.
I showed up to heal.
I brought in the feminine to my business.
I stopped all the “doing” constantly to receive.
And I’ll continue the rest of this story soon.
Until then, keep going. 

So here are my thoughts about what kind of launch you should do:

What feels best for you? I could tell you a million ways to market.
Do you wanna do a waitlist or no?
Do you wanna launch live or evergreen?
You’re not married to a launch strategy, you can switch it up and see what feels best for each thing you launch out.
Trust the nudges you get along the way & know you dont have to be DOING all the damn time.
Go have sex, play, and step away from the computer during your launch boo.

Whatever you put your energy & belief into, will come back to you.
It’s your alignment with the launch.
Yes, strategy works, of course it does! We need some strategy, systems, etc.
But it’s about finding a process that feels good to you because there are some humans out there that don’t launch at all.

So take a moment.
Lean INTO your launch strategy.
Fuck what doesn’t feel good.
And go all in with what YOU want to do.

If you are ready to lean into your power, join my course, Burnout to Sellout to start selling from your soul.