Letting Your True Self Navigate

I have to check myself when my internal parts are operating my business versus my CEO.

Here’s how it looks when my parts come out to play:

  • What do I need to do to get out of this??
  • What is energetically off and I wanna start searching to *fix* it
  • I’m doing *everything* and it’s not workinggggg.
  • Why am I not getting met in the depths?
  • Shouldn’t I be ___ by now?

Versus when my CEO or my true self navigates it..

  • This one takes a birds-eye view and separates herself from the part
  • Regulates then responds to whatever challenge is occurring
  • Moves with things versus fixing
  • Honors and witnesses the emotions of the parts but doesn’t let their strategies overtake her
  • Finds present moment awareness and moves from there
  • Releases projections, comparisons, and shame lenses so she can see the truth of what is really happening
  • Finds her heart, her fire, and honors the seasons of business.

Take some time to journal where a part is operating your business versus the truest YOU!

For me, this last year that meant I spent hundreds of hours + a lot of dollars making it my top to get into the physical in-person rooms of events.

I spoke at three different events, attended somewhere probably close to 10?


The conversations that happen.

The fire to play + dream bigger.

The excitement to be surrounded by other people who just GET you.

The collaborations + connections.

You truly never know who you might just meet at an in-person event.

So, my best advice?

Stay unwavering.

Walk Forward.

Keep Going.

Build your Trust.

Fall, Fall Again + Get Back up and remember who the f you are.

don’t forget who the f you are.

If you’re ready to start letting your true self navigate on your CEO journey then join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!