Nurturing Your Launches

Learn from me:

Start talking about your offer before it launches, like weeks before it launches. Think of a new restaurant opening up in your town. They aren’t hiding it with a big sheet that says “you can’t see what’s coming” there’s previews, there’s a ribbon cutting ceremony, there’s media, there’s freebies, there’s engagement, there’s posts about it

Take people on the JOURNEY. Let them know what’s coming. Show the Behind the scenes and pieces of your creation!

You’ll get the objections you ask for:

  • Will anyone buy this?
  • Should I lower the cost?
  • Should I have waited?

Remind yourself of why you’re worthy, safe, and your mission.

Your next level will require something so different.

A new wave healing.

A shift in energy.

Healing the roots.

A dance with your subconscious.

A journey back in time.

A time machine to the future version of you.

Unlocking magnetism.

A deeper sense of trust and surrender.

Magic and things that make zero sense.

Launch Scaries are real: especially when you put out your offer and no one buys right away. (Deep breaths) people are coming. Do you trust that? Keep Going.

Treat your launch day like you just won the world series. Be seen, share your shit, take up space, own your gifts, shake your ass, pop some bubbly.

Have incentives (not extreme discounts) but something juicy to get them to take some action.

Go all the way through to the end. 3 posts about your program and you’re wondering why no one is buying.. it’s likely barely anyone sees it? You’ll only sound salesy if you aren’t coming from a heart-centered place and you’re not nurturing your peeps along with it.

Trust yourself love, everything is already within you!

Ready to learn more about how you can make your launches magic? Join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!