Did you start your business for freedom or to be constantly on your phone, computer, stressing about your launch, forgetting to workout, and constantly ordering take out because it’s 8pm and you haven’t moved and forgotten to eat?

I’m guessing for freedom right? Maybe pants and clocking in at 8am wasn’t your thing.

Female Business Owners, I get you. You want the 6 figures, the time freedom, the excitement knowing all of your work has been worth it! First of all, lets celebrate all that you do:

You are the:

  • CEO
  • CFO
  • Marketer
  • Coach
  • Trainer
  • Sales Call Expert
  • Course Developer
  • Video Editor

The list goes on and on…for most of us in the online space, we are running the show. Sure, we might have a few VAs, but we are our brand and our brand is our business. There isn’t really a turn off switch. Work-life balance is a little different when you are constantly documenting everything you do to share with your followers. It’s more of a beautiful integration. It’s a mix of that hustle and flow and the masculine and the feminine energy.

But if you are anything like me, you get stuck in the hustle. The GOGOGO, the excitement, the ideas.

If you have ever taken strengths quest, I’m the following top 5:

Futuristic, Achiever, Focus, Discipline, Relator

It took me quite some time (okay, 26 years) to know that I couldn’t operate in hustle mode any longer. Quite honestly, I am the queen of doing 10 million things at once, saying yes to EVERYTHING, juggling a million opportunities and commitments and to be quite honest…I’m physically good at it and I can do things very well (or so I thought)..

I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since I’ve been about 16-17 after having a horrible case of mono + EBV and have always struggled with energy and fatigue. I could fall asleep in a crowded room if I shut my eyes. I also realized I’ve suffered from a good amount of adrenal fatigue. While personally I don’t feel stressed when I take on a lot, my body signals start to tell me. I use to ignore it, but I’ve realized now after working on this for quite some time now, it’s okay to say no, it’s okay to do what is best for YOU, you don’t have to please everyone.

Let me tell you, once I realized this a few years ago, my world changed. While I’m not perfect and still have to reel in my “do-it-all” mentality, the mental and physical aspects have changed my life. I didn’t know too much about masculine & feminine energy til recently, but I did know when I was starting to feel burnt out in my business & in my physical life.

Which is why I took my expertise of 5+ years in the fitness industry, healing from disordered eating, competitions, a masters degree that allowed me to understand career/personal development/counseling, and nutrition certifications to help other business owners develop a business blueprint that helps them burn fat, beat brain fog, and regain their energy.

Sound like you could use some tips to start becoming the CEO of your business and your body?

Lets break it down by categories:


Nutrition: I use to be that person that ate every 2-3 hours. Seriously like clock work. I even had timers on my PHONE telling me when to eat. WHAT!?

If you want your brain to be LIT and your body to be on fire (fat burning fire that is) we need to eat to turn off your hunger hormones and activate your brain to operate for mental clarity.

Step 1: Add in more health fats! Avocados, nut/nutter butters, grass fed butter, coconut oil, brain octane oil, hemp hearts, chia seeds. A balance of fats, greens, protein, and some fiber will help turn off your hunger hormones and get your body feeling full, without the crash of an overload of carbs.

Step 2: Supplement properly. I see some people taking multivitamins, b vitamins, fish oils. Don’t skimp out on supplements and don’t just take things randomly. Supplements are helpful and when you are an entrepreneur we need all the biohacking possible! I personally take: Ketones, B Vitamins, Adrenal Health, Fish Oil, Greens Powder, 5HTP, and Magnesium

Step 3 Exercise: Gone are the days of spending 1-2 hours in the gym. As a business owner, you need a workout you can fit in between client calls, meetings, but allowing yourself some creative time. Lately I’ve been loving MetCon workouts. Check out one of my youtube videos below for a quick metcon workout:

MetCon Workout Video


If your business is your side hustle, or if your business is your full-time gig, it’s important to have some time to let your mind go at ease. Yep, just stop freaking thinking!!

Decide what your morning routine and evening routine will be: My morning routine involves at least 1-2 minutes of meditation and visualization. I do teach workout classes at 5am so sometimes that is all I got time for! If I have a little more time in the morning, I go through my full process: journaling, reading, lathering in essential oils, writing out my goals/to-do lists, gratitude.


My evening routines consist of: Magnesium Tea, reading, 5htp, four sigmatics hot coco, aveda herbal tea (I usually pick either the ccoo or the herbal tea), washing my face, putting oils in the diffuser and again – gratitude.

One of the two biggest reasons we burn out as business owners: dehydration and lack of sleep. You can be doing all right in the world, but if you aren’t drinking water & running on coffee, or forgetting to sleep ENOUGH (even if you can “run on 5 hours”) you actually can’t. So start there!


If you feel all over the place with creating content or working on your launch. It starts with knowing who you serve and having an organization system for your ideas.

A lot of my ideas come from when I’m walking Ziggy, working out, or when I’m answering questions for clients. I keep track of all of those. I email them to myself and have tabs for podcasts, blogs, yoututbe videos, posts, etc. Then, each month I develop a theme. I break my theme up into 4 different “topics” and come up with from there posts, videos, podcasts, live vieos, and more! It’s basically a massive brain dump, but allows me to know I’m having a plan, but also posting more intuitively each day and sharing live on Instagram stories, etc. I organize this all through using the app ASANA.


RECAP: Start building your body and business blueprint. Add in more healthy fats, start with one workout, then add in another. It doesn’t need to be all or nothing. Develop your first ideas for morning and evening routines. Begin your first brain dump and organizing your ideas according to categories for your social media content.