Do you get those horrible little thoughts in your head that ruin all of the positive self talk you have practiced? It can be a paralyzing fear. Let’s have a little chat.

Fear Gremlins.

They show up something like this in our heads:

Who am I to do this?

Will I ever “make it”?

What if I keep spinning?

When will I break into the next level?

What will people think if I share all of me?

Is this sustainable?

I have so much debt.

There’s so much to do.

Where are the clients going to come from?

Why cannot I not create content today?

I feel overwhelmed.

For all the times you heard…

growing a business is risky..

Why would you leave the security of a 9-5, benefits, a 401k? (As if we can’t get them outside of that)

That’s cute…get a real job.

People actually pay you for that?

Do you really think this can work?

What happens if it doesn’t work?

Don’t go into debt.

It’s hard. Are you sure you can handle it?

Don’t be vulnerable, it’s weak.

You have to do it “this” way.

You have to have a massive audience.

What will people think of you if you talk about that, or share THAT picture?

What is that online thing you are doing..will it actually create a sustainable life?

Don’t ask for more than just enough.

I need to have all of this planned first.

What if no one buys my program?

What if it isn’t good enough?

I feel stuck.

I should be further along, I started the same time as (her). Fears. They are illusions. Sometimes beliefs given to us, sometimes virtual realities we create in our head.

I used to be paralyzed by most of these thoughts.

Fear, Imposter Syndrome, scarcity, never enough.

I couldn’t move into the realm of trust & surrendering even if I would have been dropped on my head.

I believed if I just had more hours, more resources, more strategy, more (everything), then I would watch all the success flow in.

Then, I understood a few things.

You are not defined or your level of success by the money (or debt) in your bank account.

I trusted and surrendered.

I said f it to the rules.

I followed the nudges.

I shared the vulnerable pieces.

I walked with the fears & understood that they don’t need to be GONE before I could take action (they come with us at every level) – we just shift faster.

I embraced a feminine flow (mixed with my heart of get shit done) but loosened the grip

It’s my purpose to sell out things I wish I had and experiences to create.

Trust & go all in.

You weren’t feeling the call to do this if you weren’t meant for more.

Play it safe.. & lets fucking cheers to…

the networking events you’re at and sitting back and giggling that you’re crushing it in sweatpants.

To the times when you share your story from a place of empowerment and watch lives change around you.

For the times when you talk about play and pleasure and people laugh at you.

To watching all your dreams come true.

To running a business in your feminine energy.

To speaking your TRUTH.

To creating a ripple effect in the lives of thousands.

To those who say essentially anything that says you can’t do it.

Create from gratitude & celebration for what you have now to desire.

Not everyone “gets” your dreams, your healing, your next level, your jumps, your intelligence. & remember…yes. You. Fucking Can.

For more about fear, check out my podcast episode about embracing fear that is hold you back from your business!