Receiving Energy

Lack of boundaries can lead to burnout đź‘€

Coming from a past people pleaser/bend my own standards to match yours/perfectionist/wanting everyone to like me, I learned so much that my burnout was related to a lot of straining my boundaries.

Here’s the thing: when we don’t have strong boundaries with our time, clients, or we feel there’s no time – we usually need to tighten a boundary somewhere, Release some control, and focus on where we can outsource, heal, surrender, etc.

When you do this, you bring in an energetic match for what you want in life.

Boundaries are some magical work that allow you to receive 

“Thank you, I receive that”

Receiving Energy is one of my favorite topics to coach women in and teach around.

Bringing in the feminine flow of receiving increases so much magic and healing into our lives. We increase our pleasure, power, flow of money & so much more when we tap into the energy of receiving.

Receiving was always hard for me. I wanted to justify when I received a compliment, bypass it, feel like I had to give something back you name it. My people pleaser came online. In early 2013 I had a full on panic attack for having to ask for help. I was the “yes” girl, i can do it all by myself, go-go-go, do all the things, have it all perfect,  hustle, work a million hour days, needed to do something back if someone helped me, the list goes on and on.

Opening the doors of our receiving portal is life-changing when it comes to our success in business. I tap into what all of the doors in our portal consist of in many of my trainings.

Here’s a few ways you can begin to honor your receiving energy:

  1. When given a compliment: Thank you, I receive that.
  2. I really need some support right now, do you have space to help me with this?
  3. Begin to notice where you DO receive: money, support, love, and celebrate it.
  4. If someone says “can i help you with that” allow yourself to receive it.
  5. Notice what it feels like in your body to receive: place your hand over your heart and anchor in this magic:
  6. Take messy action: what can you release that isn’t perfect or doesn’t need to have it “all together”

Learn even more on my podcast episode, Receiving More on The Energetics Of Business!