Supportive Selling

The way I teach sales is very different from most & honestly there’s no “magical ingredient or secret sauce” bs LOL. (I get feisty at this one)

It’s called honor your client’s experience,.

Be supportive.

Don’t bypass.

Help them come home to their body, their truth, their process in making decisions.

Support them in feeling safe, in being heard, in trusting themselves, in expansion.

Incase you forgot there is this thing called a human experience and a nervous system.

Here are some examples of how supportive selling plays out in real scenarios:

  1. “I’m feeling really nervous about this investment, investing this much money is really scary to me!”

What’s normally taught to say: “Just decide and jump! It’s normal to feel that, investing gets you to your next level. Push past the fear & do it anyway!! You’ll figure it out!”

Supportive Selling: “I totally understand that making this investment can be scary and I want to honor you & your decision making process. What are you noticing right now in your body/mind?”

  1. “Can I have some time to think about it?”

What’s normally taught to say: “What’s going to happen between now and you thinking on it in a few days? Also, there may not be spots, so I need to have an answer by x date.”

Supportive Selling: “Of course you can. I want this to feel aligned and expansive/supportive for you. Take some time to hold yourself, your nervous system, and ground in. if you have any additional questions, message me!”

  1. “I want to speak to my significant other about this.”

What’s normally taught to say: “What is it that you think your partner is going to say that you can’t make a decision for yourself now?”

Supportive Selling: “Absolutely! Talk this over with your partner and if they have any additional questions, reach back out, or if there’s anything I can do to support you in that – please let me know.”

Supportive selling honors your customer’s experience and supports them in their process when making decisions. Are you ready to learn how to be supportive in your selling process? Check out my course, Ditch the DMs, to get started!