Sustainable Success

The unsexy truth about sustainable business building + one that is regulated with your nervous system.

Because for me personally, it’s not sexy to me if you’re making 50000 million months and you’re:

Burning the candle at both ends

Working on a dysregulated nervous system searching for the next high

Tapped out on your schedule 24/7

Your business model isn’t scalable or sustainable

You aren’t running a values-based business

You aren’t experiencing deep pleasure or intimacy with yourself or another

You can’t take time off and not experience a dip in income

You’re not doing the deep inner healing work

You’re running your business in an activated attachment system or seeking validation solely through your financial success

You’re not running things in a trauma-informed or implementing inclusive support

You’re teaching some wonky ass strategy that is making your clients do the exact same thing even if it doesn’t feel good for them

Truly, the list goes on and on.

This is what I’m dedicated to.

And so many come to me for deep support in this.

Am I perfect in this? Nope, always growing.

You can create sustainability + still grow your income and impact.

It’s safe to restructure, to realign, and regulate to receive. To honor yourself and your body, to heal, to feel, to do it differently, to celebrate all the inner + outer things in life. You get to have all the incredible success (that you define) + make a massive impact, income + inner shift.

Prioritize your inner alignment and aligned strategy.
Prioritize your values, rest, restructure and realign them as needed.
You get to receive in whatever way feels supportive for your system.

Celebrate your essence + your being + your internal shifts too. Recognize the woman you become.

It’s not always sexy to post about the inner work, sustainability, scalability.

But I’ll find a way to make regulating your attachment system, business alignment, and serving your ripple effect as sexy as it can be.

Welcome to the new paradigm.

If you’re ready to scale sustainably while prioritizing your alignment, check out part 1 of my 3 part podcast series, Sustainable Success, on The Energetics Of Business podcast.