Working with erin is like…
Working with erin is like…
Amy Leisner A18 Media

Katie Dixon
Parent Coach
“8 weeks ago I took a huge scary af what felt like a RISK, a FEAR…”
I decided to invest in myself, invest my time, invest my energy, into a bomb ass coach Erin Nicole, who supported and guided me to new levels that I never even IMAGINED I was capable of in the online space.
Fear was literally staring at me right in the face. To say I was terrified was an understatement. But I DECIDED. I decided to take that messy action and SHOW UP! I decided that the risk was worth it and that I was going share my passions, my knowledge, because I finally started to believe that others would want what I have!
I started releasing my limiting beliefs. I realized that I’m not the only parent here on social media who feels what I feel and who experiences the very same things I do with my kids. And there is no reason to do it alone!
I took a leap of faith and stepped out of my comfort zone. I took that messy imperfect action to start sharing my passions of helping families with you.
I showed up consistently in the online space and feel confident in knowing that what I have brought has impacted and resonated with some of you! I had my first ever live masterclass and it had 19 views!! I launched my 1st parent-based program.
I was overwhelmed with support and I’m excited. I’m excited for the future. Excited for my growth! Excited to build a bad ass community of parents to support each other.
Make sure you take the time to C E L E B R A T E all little and big things in your life!!! H O N O R all of it! Because it is W O R T H the recognition and the celebration! Be proud of your process and progress don’t wait for the final destination to your journey!

Lily Nicole
Confidence Coach
“the SHIFTS and BREAKTHROUGHS that happened throughout that program…honestly, all I can say is holy SHIT…”
Last week, I finished up the last video from my coach’s program Burn & Release, and you GUYS.
I didn’t think I needed this program. I’m the mindset girl. I’m constantly teaching others how to let go of beliefs that aren’t serving them and step into new frames of thought, new ways of looking at themselves, the world, and other people. But Erin Nicole Porter told me it would be the perfect fit, and she hadn’t steered me wrong in the past, so I went for it.
And the SHIFTS and BREAKTHROUGHS that happened throughout that program…honestly, all I can say is holy SHIT.
Some tangible things that happened for me:
• I got the opportunity to go to Spain, without the extra money in my bank account to do so. The mindset shifts in this program helped me to manifest that money, and off I went–checking off my 2018 vision board goal of visiting Europe for the first time ️
• I launched my first ever solo program, UNLEASH (which I began working on in Erin’s other program, Burnout to Sellout) and filled that program with 11 wonderful women who were ready to change their lives.
• I didn’t overdraft my bank account or worry about money ONCE.
• I ended relationships that were not right for me, and were only holding me back.
• I was continuously receiving new ideas for new ways to help my current and future clients.
• I made the LARGEST investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business, and it only scared the shit out of me a tiny bit.
• I recognized beliefs that I was unaware I was still holding onto that were keeping me stuck in certain areas, and now that I know what they are I am fully working on breaking through them to the other side.
Being inside the energy of this program was so powerful, and it helped me step into a next level version of myself that I had been holding back for so long. One of the most worthwhile investments I’ve ever made.
Ready to change YOUR life?

Gwen Heiman
Lifestyle Brand Photographer
“I’m not even sure where to begin to tell you how Erin has changed my life….”
I initially set up an hour phone consultation meeting with her and loved the way we connected right away over the fact that she was previously in education and had quit her job to pursue something more. I didn’t sign up with her that day, but I was reading you are a badass at making money and they were talking about doing something that scares the shit out of you. I knew what I had to do. I told Erin I was all in- and I am so very thankful that I did.
Throughout our 1 on 1 time together we laughed, we cried, and I learned so much about manifesting into the goddess that I want to be. We touched on inner child work, feelings of “I’m not good enough” and she helped me grow my business. If you have any doubts about working with Erin, don’t. She always knew what to say when I had concerns or needed help with a business strategy that we talked about. She is knowledgeable and one of the most down to earth people I have ever met. I have gained not only business strategies, tools to use for personal development, but a life long friend as well.
1000 percent recommend time and time again.

Abby Marie
From Flab to Fab Coaching
“Since I started working with Erin at the start of September, I’ve experienced so much growth and success and income and FUN.”
September was a BIG month for me personally. I took so many leaps of faith personally, professionally, and spiritually. I made some BIG decisions that will shape the next 12 months (and more) of my life.
I invested my time, money, and energy with my girl Erin Nicole Porter, in a program called Burn Out to Sell Out for guidance, direction and mindset shifts for my own fitness business. This program and coaching was the catalyst to the things I’m about to share with you…
From that I launched the Bikini Babe Bootcamp, a workout program I STARTED to write back in January. After months of debating whether or not to finish it, I found a new sense of inspiration, excitement and passion to finish it. My passion is helping women who lead busy lives find their self confidence through fitness, nutrition and mindset.
I did the program myself and lost 1.5 from my waist and went down .5% in body fat (which is amazinggggg for 30 days), and cut back on the #TreatYoSelf pancakes and burgers I was eating all the freakin time.
I started my journey with Yoga Teacher Training, a desire that was instilled in me the first year I began my own practice (2012) after going through deep heart break in a past relationship. I found healing, vulnerability, and a greater sense of self in my practice and continue to do so.
I also did a photoshoot (ahem, the image you’re seeing here…) for my new program and blog, which was nerve wrecking to say the least. Luckily, I’ve also made some amazing friends here in Orange County who support me, laugh with me, and are one of a kind.
I went from being not sure of what I was going to do, to releasing the ‘how’ and just tapping into the ‘why’ of what I love. I took it day by day, writing my goals for the month, end of year, and then allowing myself to be human. I slept 8 hours, I ate to feel good, I meditated and hung out with friends.
It feels good to S L O W down for a D A Y and C E L E B R A T E these wins… What are YOU proud of yourself for? If there’s anything I’ve learned from my girl, my biz coach and friend, Erin, its to CELEBRATE the small, the big, and all that good ish in between!
No day like a Wednesday to celebrate a SERIOUSLY life changing woman, amiright?!
Having a coach who is a step ahead of you and living the life you want to work towards to teach you strategies and mindset shifts to help guide you where you want to go…that’s pretty great.
But having a coach who does all of that AND sends you videos of her jumping around and celebrating your wins? I hit the jackpot.
When I jumped into Erin Nicole Porter ‘s program Burnout to Sellout last month, I was doing OKAY, but I wasn’t seeing the growth that I wanted to in my business (because I wasn’t taking action on all of the ideas I had swirling around in my head for years)
I didn’t know what to expect. I just had this *FEELING* that she could help me. So I took the plunge and invested in myself, hoping that this would be my time.
Since I started working with Erin at the start of September, I’ve experienced so much growth and success and income and FUN. I finally launched my first solo program and started to take action on all of the ideas I had in my head NOT because she taught me how to hustle, but because she taught me how to turn my focus inward. Because she taught me how to CELEBRATE each step, and find the FUN in all of the things I wanted to put out there.
BEYOND grateful for Erin, and even more-so grateful for the Lily at the end of August, who had no idea how she’d get the money into her bank account to invest in this program but such a strong belief that she NEEDED IT that she figured it out. So this is a little #womancrushwednesday shoutout to both of us.
So excited to continue working with this girl, and passing down ALL of her energy and excitement to my own clients. Thank you so much for launching me into this new season of my business, Erin, I couldn’t have done it without your guidance!

Bridget Murphy
Gut Health Expert
“Because of her I am coming into my own Power and believing in my own dreams.”
I just have to give a huge thank you to Erin Nicole Porter!!!! I just finished up her Ditch the DM’s program last week – and it was AMAZING! She taught us so much that I am still processing it all.
I have new strategies that I never would have thought of without her guidance. Because of her I am coming into my own Power and believing in my own dreams. Thank you so much Erin Nicole Porter for your support, your guidance, and your friendship!

Allison Halstead
Emotional Eating Coach
“I am seeing internal and external shifts happening in my life that has me in near tears.”
Holy crap!!
Choosing to invest in a coach can create a rollercoaster of emotions, all of which are normal, ranging from nervous to excited to terrified! I tell you what, though, I can not recommend a coach more after what I’ve been through in the past couple months.
I chose to join a group business coaching program run by Erin Nicole Porterand I am BLOWN AWAY at what this has done for me. I am seeing internal and external shifts happening in my life that has me in near tears. Erin’s expertise, energy and support is what has taken me from WANTING to help moms find lasting change to ACTUALLY putting a plan in place. I have wanted to help people for so long and it always seemed more like a wish. I was nervous and afraid to put myself out there even though I KNOW I can help other moms that are just like me heal emotional eating and lose weight FOR GOOD.
Many of the accomplishments I have achieved in my adult life have come from taking on a mentor and I am SO EXCITED to continue working with Erin 1 on 1 for the rest of this year. And I am SO EXCITED to help other moms find this feeling!! You deserve it!!
Thank you, Erin, for EVERYTHING! I cannot wait to see what happens over the next three months.

Kaley Robsham
Authentically Kayley
“It’s an amazing feeling to have a coach to celebrate the wins with…”
Someone who really knows who you are. I love when client’s see and feel their energetic shifts.
Sharing passions they have, going after their dreams… it’s amazing. Even I have a coach! I think we all need someone who can see our blind spots.
I hired a coach a few months ago to PUSH me, I needed to the push to put my ideas out into the world. I was so fearful, but it gave me the permission to do it!
I needed to invest in my own self-belief.
Since working with Erin over the past few months, I experienced my two biggest months ever, and I’m going into my 3rd month in a row with an income that was DOUBLE my full-time income (my business turns 1 in November). I will always invest in my own self-development.
There is SOOOOO much more creativity, ideas, and programs that will pour out of me over the next few months.
AMAZING people I’ve been coaching about to launch themselves out into the world.

Lisa Dooley
Channeled Inspirations
“Being in her energy is literally THE BEST!.”
On a personal note – I’m a program person. I’ve always loved learning, especially when I’m interested in the topic! Programs work for me. I put myself totally into it and get the most out of it. #TEACHERSPETVIBES always&forever. But hey, why do it if you’re not gonna go all in anyways?!
Before signing up for Erin’s program, it had been a while since I studied something. It had been a while since I went all in on something new. I’m so so so so so happy I chose to go all in with Erin!!
Her program taught me SO MUCH!! I got so much out of it.. I can’t even begin to describe. Being in her energy is literally THE BEST!!! She’s so high vibe and enthusiastic. I didn’t hesitate to share any of my wins with her, I knew they’d be so well received and I knew she’d be jumping up and down screaming with me! And she is so open and supportive I was able to share with her when I wasn’t feeling over the moon and tough things were coming up for me. She’s just literally one of the best people I know.
I am so sad that the program has now ended, but sooooo thankful for every bit of energy, knowledge and inspiration it has given me. I am changed because of it <3

Aligned Business Mentor & Conscious Wealth Expert
“I’ve had an almost 10k month in just 2 months after launching my new business…”
I decided to invest in Erin only a month after launching my mentoring business because I wanted to get as much support as possible for the launch of my first group program.
It was such a good decision to work with her and loved every minute of our work together!! Erin helped me stay grounded throughout the pre-launch and actual launch stage, and her coaching allowed me to remain connected with my intuition and choose strategies and tactics that felt truly aligned and good in my body.
The tangible result? I’ve had an almost 10k month in just 2 months after launching my new business.
The priceless result? I’ve had breakthrough moments that I still have written on my phone as reminders and which guide me daily as I run my business.
On top of that, Erin is an awesome human and I’ll definitely work with her again in the future!
Ready to work with Erin?