It’s Time To Surrender

If you couldn’t “fuck it up” or do it wrong..what would you say, how would you show up?

If it was safe to trust your desires. What would you ask to receive?

If you fully surrender to the knowing that there is not externally outside of you that you need to “be successful,” how would you activate what was already within?

If you knew people were ready to hear what you had to say, How would you divinely lead?

Often we will effort our way to transformation.

Healing to get something or someone
Conscious changes

Which then we experience a lot of shame, guilt, frustration, contraction in our systems when things aren’t happening “at the rate” they “should”

Our protectors begin to come online when we are expanding. When we are going to new levels, when we are shifting.

They want to run their safety strategies.

And we love them for that. Because for so long, they kept us safe. And they get to come along as we grow.

Ease allows us to forgive.
To surrender.
To release control.
To be with.
To honor.
To give grace.
To release the pressure.
To feel.
To play.
To experience bliss.
To open our hearts.
To receive.
To allow.
To be.

You are worthy of your desires now.
Now is the time to release where you’ve been playing small.
Where you’ve been waiting or holding back.
Where you’ve been playing the when, then game.

It’s time to surrender.
To go ALL IN.
To receive.
To Trust & Surrender.
To do that shit that “doesn’t make sense”

Every decision I make, expands me into the next level. I chose fear holding me back & keeping me small so many times in my life & business, but anytime I jumped, I was held. Was it always easy? Nope.

Your truth,  that whisper, that desire is in your field because it’s meant to be yours.
Go after it.
&  f the rules, the shoulds, the “why you should wait”, the doubts, and anything that is stopping you.

You are worthy now.
Your people are waiting for you.

If you’re ready to take the leap and surrender, check out my podcast The Energetics of Business to learn more about tapping into a place of ease & overflow in your life & business.