What Happens When You Breakthrough

>>>What happens when you BREAKTHROUGH?<<<

It has no choice but to work.

Receiving happens.

You show that you’re ready.

You uplevel.

You elevate.

Everything begins to shift.

The things you didn’t think could happen yet, begin to happen.

You’re not worried about things making sense, you’re just all fucking in.

You begin to sell out your services.

People are craving to be in your energy.

Your clients experience serious wins.

The objections aren’t there.

All those magic unicorn clients that you didn’t think existed, start to come in when we breakthrough.

But here’s where we often sit.

>I’ll wait til next time

(Narrator): she did in fact not do it the next time.

>This time of the year is crazy

(Speed Up when everyone slows down)

>The money…..

(Insert belied you have from where you are at)

>let me just keep watching this girl speak the life into me, but let me think, even when I KNOW I’m ready to dive in.

The list goes on & on.

We can’t Breakthrough when we don’t turn the door knob.

If you want results that make sense, then take action from there.

If you want results that are mind blowing, unbelievable, how did this happen, am I really living my dream? >>take action from the place you want to be 🥂

Because not only do we need to breakthrough, we need to be called out on our bullshit.

We’ll keep recreating what we know til we do something that requires us to be different & gives us no other choice.

It’s going to make you uncomfortable, but it’s going to get you to that place in your business you’ve been destined to be.

I know you, because I was you.

I know it can happen for you because I’ve done it, so now.

It’s your time to open.the.damn.door 🥂Learn more about navigating your Breakthrough on my podcast episode with Troy Nickell!