There are different kinds of archetypes of business coaches which are the patterns we might run in coaching based on our own experiences + parts that pop up for us. Understanding these + healing them supports our clients.
Fixer Coach
- Feels like they have to solve the problem + gets activated when a client’s problem isn’t disappearing.
- Overgives & “Stuffs the Turkey” to make sure it is enough from feeling they have to do more to make the container worth it.
- Adjusts their own boundaries to people please the client in fear of “losing them”
- Very connected to client results and worries that if they don’t get a breakthrough, result, etc. they will leave a bad review, ask for a refund, feel frustrated, etc.
How to Support your Fixer:
- Notice the activation you feel. Hold yourself in that moment & come back to process after the session.
- Create Clear Boundaries + bring awareness to when you might be operating in co-dependency.
- Remember compassion, you’re doing enough.
Freeze Coach
- Operates in a place of questioning themselves if they can get the clients the results they desire.
- Afraid to be seen or truly put themselves out there cause oh shit what if people actually come to work with me.
- Might experience some uncertainty around pricing, offers. etc.
- Feels activated & uncertain if they are “doing a good job” so they might compromise boundaries, hide, go MIA for periods of time, not respond to messages
How To Support Your Freezer:
- Save any testimonials you have & review them for when you need a good pick me up.
- Celebrate who you ARE not just what you do. Write these down!
- Practice titration in being seen. If you come out HOT with lives, stories, posts, then feel like a vulnerability hangover, practice healthy pacing. What can you do today? Find safety in that, take action, process & ground after.
- Focuses mostly on celebrations & excitement (especially externals)
- Tiptoes around tough conversations, wants to fill space when there are heavy emotions, maybe even unconsciously avoiding the “heavier” things
- High vibes only, get back to that state ASAP. Afraid if they stay in the “lower vibes” they won’t get back out of it. Isn’t sure how to sit and be with the experiences without trying to help them “get out of it”
How to Support your #PVO
- Practice holding yourself in the discomfort
- Honor the silence, notice if it feels more comforting to want to interject or get back to being more in a positive state
- You might be running in a rigid defense (where you were celebrated for what you did instead of who you were) – begin to heal this one. A great step. Who are you outside of biz, what’s your essence?
Teacher Coach
- Gives information + advice (which is helpful sometimes! but isn’t sure how to go deeper when the information isn’t sticking to embodiment.
- Tends to do the majority of talking or teaching during calls (again if you’re consulting this is a different story, sometimes we do teach concepts or this role as a course creator is helpful)
- Up in the mental space often trying to think about questions to ask, how to fill the space, and maybe feels tired after sessions because they are hyper-focused.
How to support your teacher:
- Learn coaching tools + techniques to ask powerful questions
- Rock those teaching skills you already have for your teaching segments by learning how to teach for the subconscious mind to understand!
- Drop out of the head and into the heart
Ready to learn about the archetypes of business coaches and how to understand what pops up for you in your coaching? Join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Coaching certification!