Connecting Positive Energy To Money

Feel in your body where the feelings of not enough, chasing, running out, and fear are coming up around money. When you need a recharge in positive energy.

I remember so many days sitting and staring with anxiety at my bank account.

I’m going to overdraft again: Cue anxiety, shame, judgment. Investments were going into my business on already maxed out credit cards, cue spiraling thoughts of what if I don’t make this back right away?

Ask yourself: what’s the emotional charge more money is going to bring to you and begin to bring that to yourself now.


You don’t need to feel ashamed.

Heal you & the money will come. 

But what I realized most and what I realize in my clients is it isn’t always our relationship to our money specifically, but the energy and frequency we have connected to other feelings in our life we have that can match the flow of money, rooting in our safety, our security.

BS Lies around when feeling our emotions sound like:

I’ll slow down when..

I can’t feel into my emotions, otherwise I’ll manifest from the negative energy

I don’t have time to do the healing work.

I can’t heal and help others.

Positive vibes only

I did the same thing with food. I would binge and purge. It didn’t feel safe for it to stay and I received an emotional charge from “digging” myself out every month of my financial situation.. The moment I “made it through” I felt enough, accomplished, worthy, safe. I kept recreating those situations because that’s how I was getting a lot of those feelings.

But we need to remember: You are safe, held, secure.

It’s safe for money to stay.

You’re worthy of overflow.

You are enough & that money is a beautiful amplification.

We have to begin feeling our emotions now. We have to begin creating those experiences in our bodies now. We have to allow ourselves to heal the guilt, shame, and release the judgment. 


Here’s how you can begin to FEEL your emotions:

Notice what it feels like in your body.

Be with it. Don’t try to fix it, modality your way through it, or solve it at that moment.

Let yourself express the emotion.

Remind that little person inside of you, she’s safe, meet her need, support her in that moment.

If you’re ready to start learning more about your relationship with money, check out my podcast, The Energetics Of Business, to learn more about connection, energy, and release.