The Magic of Somatic Techniques in Your Coaching Business

Your coaching is worth a lot more money + recognition than you’ve been receiving. Let me tell you how to get it.

You need something that sets you apart.

Something that makes people look at you while thinking “What did you just do to me?”…

In the best way possible.

I used to coach based off of my life experience + it was fine.

I gave good advice, I taught powerful lessons, I made a decent income, I had happy clients.

And then I decided to get trained in somatic + subconscious reprogramming, and I received feedback like never before.

Suddenly, every client I had was referring me to their friends.

In every coaching program I joined, I became “the girl who can work magic”, helping my peers (even very successful 7-figure business owning peers) tap into parts of themselves that they’d never addressed, opening them up to a new world of depth +  healing that created even more results.


My coaching sessions involve way more than just talking to my clients.

When they have a problem, I don’t just help them come up with solutions,

I help them get to the root of it.

I help them deepen and widen their capacity to hold the things they desire.

Additionally, I help them connect to their inner child and receive messages from their body,

And subconscious mind in ways that they’d never get from a coaching conversation alone.

The secret?

somatic + subconscious reprogramming coaching modalities.

If you want to create lasting transformation that wows your clients into shouting your name from the rooftops and sharing you with everyone they know…

Then it’s time to commit to honing your coaching craft instead of hiring another business coach who is going to teach you the same strategies that the last one did (I know you already know that’s true…)

I have trained + certified hundreds of coaches to use the same modalities that I use with clients.

They have gone on to speak on stages, write books, get hired by dream clients.

If you’re ready to learn more about the power of subconscious reprogramming, check out my podcast episode with Julie Costa, Rewiring your Subconscious for Success, on the Energetics of Business podcast.