Initiating Intentional and Subconscious Transformations

Let’s chat about creating long-lasting change.

Change that becomes more easy and effortless.

So often coaches (or if we are the client) are focusing on changing from the bottom – up. 

Focusing on behavioral changes, changes in our environment, and so on. We are working here in the conscious level only and efforting our way more in. 

Ever said you were going to do something and then a few weeks in…you are back to your old ways and the motivation you had before is gone?

It’s because we are only working with the bottom two levels here. 

Find yourself in a loop in your thoughts?

The magic happens when we make that change on an identity level. Working deep within the subconscious mind. 

Truly connecting the mind, the body, the spirit together as one.

We all desire deeply to expand, to quantum leap into our next “level”

Sure, our conscious mind wants it, desires it, is ready to receive it.

What we have to uncover is what is happening unconsciously, what is stored in the body, and getting our nervous system to feel safe into expanding.

It’s not that you won’t still find some uncomfort, oh shit moments in your growth

But if you’re running a major internal response it can stop you from receiving whatever it is you’re calling in.

Not following through on a goal, getting excited about the possibility of something, then losing interest, searching and scanning for the next level..the list goes on.

To expand & call in, it’s about creating a deeper sense of connection & safety, attunement to what is coming up in your body, holding & regulating that, then allowing yourself to hold more well-being over and over again.

If you want to learn more about initiating intentional and subconscious transformations, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!