How Mastering Your Craft Beats Social Media Marketing

I talk to so many coaches every day who wish there were ways to make money as a coach other than being an expert social media marketer.

Want to hear how I did it? It’s simpler than you think…

👑 I prioritized skill over everything.

I became a MASTER at what I provide to my clients.

And, I focused on honing my coaching craft instead of my marketing skills.

I invested in learning how to be a better coach and healer before it felt “logical” to do so…

+ I hired marketing support from the start, because the best way for ME to market myself was by showing up and facilitating transformation.

As soon as people experience my work, they want to hire me.

You deserve the same reality. 💸

The transformation I deliver to clients speaks louder than any hook I could use or post I could make.

I facilitate transformation and that’s something that can be done in client sessions, on social media, from stage, in a book… all of which get people asking me: “How can I hire you?” 

My marketing strategy is, “Be so good at what you do  that everyone who experiences you wants to pay you.” 

Most of my clients are referrals or connections I’ve made from “getting in the room” and networking with ideal clients.

None of that is possible without a solid foundation of skill in my facilitation, no matter how strong your marketing plan is.

I speak on stages, have written a book, support hundreds of coaching students, and coach multiple 7-figure business owners…desire that for yourself? 

This is how to activate it…

You have to commit to improving your skill + getting in the room. 

Powerful facilitation + getting yourself in rooms to network and showcase your facilitation = closed sales.
Ready to start mastering your craft? Join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect® Certification!