Crafting Your Online Coaching Business You’re Excited to Sell with Proven Transformational Tools

IF YOU CRINGE EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A SALES POST, you don’t need another business coach — you need a curriculum you’re proud to sell.

Here’s the main question you need to ask yourself:

“Is my coaching offer just full of me teaching information and giving tips and advice? 

OR is it backed by proven tools and full of experiences to actually take the client through their transformational journey?”

It’s pretty common for coaches to feel judgment while selling their coaching offers...

Concerned about all of the people watching, wondering if they’re judging you, feeling like it means you’re not meant for this work if no one buys…

So you keep hiring business coaches to help you scale when you have yet to prioritize learning how to make your OFFERS better so that you can be more confident in what you’re selling…

and therefore, more likely to want to keep selling it.

this isn’t a dig at business coaching…

I have business coaching clients and a huge portion of QRE’s certification bonuses are based on sales, content, and business strategy.

But I’ve seen businesses change so drastically as soon as coaches gain more knowledge and confidence around ACTUALLY knowing how to coach instead of just sharing their own experiences.

when your coaching uses proven tools & modalities and you create lasting transformations in your clients that lead to testimonials, referrals, and clients re-signing…

Suddenly, it’s easy to be confident while making sales.

Which is the hidden key to… surprise, making more sales.

Introducing… The quantum ripple effect 

This subconscious and somatic coaching certification will provide you with tools to take your clients deep into their subconscious minds and their bodies and TRULY creating lasting change…

Get certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, TIME™ Techniques, FIRES Coaching, & ReikiIf you’re ready to start crafting your online coaching business offers using transformational tools, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!