Creating A Trauma-Informed Sales Process

What should I be doing to embody a trauma-informed sales process?

Ground into your own body + system before having a conversation and work your attachment style or parts that get activated during these conversations. Healing your own stuff is key.

It starts with your messaging. Are you speaking to wounds and pains constantly or using manipulation tactics in your messaging or follow-up process?

Be transparent in your marketing and pricing. Stop encouraging your clients to make an investment if they are in a trauma response/dysregulated nervous system. Start to help them get into their body, find safety + regulation so they can make an informed decision.

Stop baiting testimonials and start asking for them with consent.

Stop trying to overcome objections or constantly reframing. Hold space for honest and safe conversations.

Remember people are just as worthy and deserve an incredible client experience no matter if they pay you $30 or $30,000.

This doesn’t mean a lack of boundaries, people-pleasing, or not honoring the needs of you or your business.

This means you’re committed to knowing that it’s not just a money mindset belief that people need to “push past” through, that it’s so deeper than that.

This means you’re committed to honoring what’s best for the client, not just to increasing your monthly income. Yes, investments stretch us + make us go oh shit here we go! but they shouldn’t blow us so far out of our window of tolerance.

This doesn’t mean you aren’t ever speaking to where they are currently at and where they desire to go in your content.

This does mean healing your own parts, trauma, attachment style. You go first always.

This doesn’t mean you have to go change everything about your sales process overnight.

This means looking at your product suite and finding areas of growth for accessibility and honoring where someone is at.

This does mean you’re committed to sustainably scaling not just income leap addiction.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t sell. Sell from the soul baby!

This does mean you can stop putting others down to build yourself up.

This is an invitation to look deeper, at your marketing, your copy, your sales process.

Because remember, no matter how someone works with you, pay in full, payment plan, on day 1 of your launch or day 20, $30 offer of $30,000 offer, they deserve care.

Everyone makes decisions differently.

Perfection is not the key here, never is. We all have room to grow, myself included! Be willing to take feedback, Change your stance on something, and repair if there was a rupture!

If you’re ready to learn more about trauma-informed sales, check out my podcast episode, Creating a Trauma-Informed Sales Experience, on The Energetics Of Business!