5 Ways To Use NLP Techniques As A Coach

At the heart of the QRE Certification is NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

NLP is how we communicate with our subconscious mind to reprogram it for success through language.  When we can use NLP to release things like limiting beliefs, emotions, etc. -we can step into the life we desire and create success on our terms!

I fell in love with NLP and the language of the subconscious mind when I was certified as a Practitioner, and moved my way through Master Practitioner, Trainer’s Training, and Master Trainer’s Training.

I KNEW that more coaches needed to be utilizing this work. That they needed to know how to speak to their clients in ways that facilitated deeper, more lasting transformation than was popular in the Instagram coaching space.

No more surface level breakthroughs, instead…deep, subconscious, lasting change.

NLP provides life, business, health, relationship, and spiritual coaches with incredible tools to empower their clients and foster personal growth.

Here are 5 powerful ways to use NLP as a coach:

  1. Masterful Communication

Learn language patterns and effective questioning techniques to deeply understand your clients’ perspectives and guide them towards transformative insights, beyond basic advice and talk-therapy sessions.

  1. Goal Setting Wizardry

Help clients set compelling goals using visualization exercises and anchoring techniques that create a clear vision of their desired outcomes. Do MORE than inspire them and hold them accountable, help them commit to goals at a subconscious level.

  1. Limiting Belief Breakthroughs

Assist clients in reframing negative thoughts, challenging self-limiting beliefs, and developing empowering beliefs that propel them towards success.

  1. Behavior Change Magic

Utilize NLP techniques like the Swish Pattern, anchoring, subconscious reframes, and more to facilitate positive behavior change, enabling clients to adopt new habits and break free from unwanted patterns.

  1. Rapport Building

Establish strong connections with clients by mastering rapport-building techniques, such as mirroring, matching, and effective listening.

If you want to learn more about ways to use NLP techniques as a coach, join us in the Quantum Ripple Effect Certification!